How to Edit Uploaded Code File N Colab

Google Colaboratory is a free Jupyter notebook environment that runs on Google's cloud servers, letting the user leverage backend hardware similar GPUs and TPUs. This lets you do everything you can in a Jupyter notebook hosted in your local motorcar, without requiring the installations and setup for hosting a notebook in your local machine.

Colab comes with (most) all the setup you demand to start coding, only what it doesn't take out of the box is your datasets! How practise you admission your data from inside Colab?

In this article we will talk about:

  • How to load data to Colab from a multitude of data sources
  • How to write dorsum to those data sources from within Colab
  • Limitations of Google Colab while working with external files

Directory and file operations in Google Colab

Since Colab lets you do everything which you can in a locally hosted Jupyter notebook, you tin can also employ shell commands like ls, dir, pwd, cd, cat, echo, et cetera using line-magic (%) or bash (!).

To browse the directory construction, you lot can employ the file-explorer pane on the left.

google colab directory

How to upload files to and download files from Google Colab

Since a Colab notebook is hosted on Google'southward cloud servers, there's no direct access to files on your local bulldoze (unlike a notebook hosted on your machine) or any other environment past default.

Withal, Colab provides diverse options to connect to nigh whatever data source you can imagine. Permit us run across how.

Accessing GitHub from Google Colab

You can either clone an entire GitHub repository to your Colab environment or access individual files from their raw link.

Clone a GitHub repository

You can clone a GitHub repository into your Colab environment in the same mode every bit y'all would in your local machine, using git clone. In one case the repository is cloned, refresh the file-explorer to browse through its contents.

And so you lot can simply read the files as you would in your local auto.

colab github repository

Load private files directly from GitHub

In instance y'all just have to work with a few files rather than the entire repository, you can load them direct from GitHub without needing to clone the repository to Colab.

To practise this:

  1. click on the file in the repository,
  2. click on View Raw,
  3. copy the URL of the raw file,
  4. use this URL equally the location of your file.

Accessing Local File Arrangement to Google Colab

You tin read from or write to your local file arrangement either using the file-explorer, or Python code:

Admission local files through the file-explorer

Uploading files from local file system through file-explorer

You tin can either utilize the upload pick at the meridian of the file-explorer pane to upload any file(s) from your local file system to Colab in the present working directory.

To upload files straight to a subdirectory y'all need to:

1. Click on the three dots visible when you lot hover above the directory

two. Select the "upload" choice.

colab upload

3. Select the file(due south) you wish to upload from the "File Upload" dialog window.

4. Look for the upload to complete. The upload progress is shown at the lesser of the file-explorer pane.

colab upload progress

Once the upload is consummate, you can read from the file as you would normally.

colab upload complete

Downloading files to local file system through file-explorer

Click on the iii dots which are visible while hovering in a higher place the filename, and select the "download" option.

colab download

Accessing local file system using Python code

This step requires you to commencement import the files module from the google.colab library:

          from          google.colab          import          files        

Uploading files from local file system using Python code

Y'all use the upload method of the files object:

uploaded = files.upload()        

Running this opens the File Upload dialog window:

colab file upload

Select the file(s) you wish to upload, and so look for the upload to complete. The upload progress is displayed:

colab file upload progress

The uploaded object is a dictionary having the filename and content as it's fundamental-value pairs:

colab file uploaded

Once the upload is complete, you can either read it as any other file from colab:

df4 = pd.read_json("News_Category_Dataset_v2.json", lines=True)        

Or read it directly from the uploaded dict using the io library:

          import          io df5 = pd.read_json(io.BytesIO(uploaded['News_Category_Dataset_v2.json']), lines=Truthful)

Make certain that the filename matches the name of the file you wish to load.

Downloading files from Colab to local file system using Python code:

The download method of the files object tin be used to download any file from colab to your local drive. The download progress is displayed, and once the download completes, you tin can choose where to save information technology in your local auto.

colab downloading

Accessing Google Drive from Google Colab

Y'all tin can use the bulldoze module from google.colab to mount your unabridged Google Drive to Colab by:

1. Executing the below lawmaking which will provide you lot with an authentication link

          from          google.colab          import          drive drive.mount('/content/gdrive')

2. Open the link

3. Choose the Google business relationship whose Drive you want to mountain

4. Allow Google Bulldoze Stream access to your Google Account

5. Copy the code displayed, paste it in the text box every bit shown beneath, and press Enter

colab import drive

One time the Drive is mounted, you'll get the message "Mounted at /content/gdrive", and yous'll be able to scan through the contents of your Drive from the file-explorer pane.

colab drive

Now you tin can interact with your Google Drive every bit if it was a folder in your Colab environment. Any changes to this folder volition reflect directly in your Google Drive. You can read the files in your Google Drive as any other file.

You can even write directly to Google Drive from Colab using the usual file/directory operations.

!touch          "/content/gdrive/My Drive/sample_file.txt"        

This will create a file in your Google Drive, and will be visible in the file-explorer pane one time you refresh it:

colab drive files
colab my drive

Accessing Google Sheets from Google Colab

To access Google Sheets:

1. You demand to first authenticate the Google business relationship to be linked with Colab by running the lawmaking below:

          from          google.colab          import          auth auth.authenticate_user()

2. Executing the above code will provide yous with an authentication link. Open up the link,

3. Choose the Google account which y'all desire to link,

iv. Permit Google Deject SDK to access your Google Business relationship,

5. Finally copy the code displayed and paste it in the text box shown, and hit Enter.

colab code

To interact with Google Sheets, you need to import the preinstalled gspread library. And to authorize gspread access to your Google business relationship, you need the GoogleCredentials method from the preinstalled oauth2client.customer library:

          import          gspread          from          oauth2client.client          import          GoogleCredentials   gc = gspread.authorize(GoogleCredentials.get_application_default())

In one case the to a higher place code is run, an Application Default Credentials (ADC) JSON file will be created in the present working directory. This contains the credentials used by gspread to access your Google account.

colab adc json

In one case this is done, you can now create or load Google sheets directly from your Colab environment.

Creating/updating a Google Sail in Colab

1. Use the gc object's create method to create a workbook:

wb = gc.create('demo')        

2. Once the workbook is created, you can view information technology in

colab google sheets

3. To write values to the workbook, first open up a worksheet:

ws ='demo').sheet1

4. And then select the prison cell(south) you want to write to:

colab cells

five. This creates a listing of cells with their index (R1C1) and value (currently blank). You tin modify the private cells by updating their value attribute:

colab cells values

vi. To update these cells in the worksheet, use the update_cells method:

colab cells values updated

seven. The changes will now be reflected in your Google Canvas.

colab sheet

Downloading data from a Google Sheet

one. Utilise the gc object's open method to open up a workbook:

wb ='demo')        

ii. Then read all the rows of a specific worksheet by using the get_all_values method:

colab rows

three. To load these to a dataframe, y'all can use the DataFrame object'due south from_record method:

colab dataframe

Accessing Google Cloud Storage (GCS) from Google Colab

Y'all need to have a Google Cloud Projection (GCP) to use GCS. Yous tin create and access your GCS buckets in Colab via the preinstalled gsutil command-line utility.

1. First specify your project ID:

project_id =          '<project_ID>'        

2. To admission GCS, you've to cosign your Google account:

          from          google.colab          import          auth auth.authenticate_user()

three. Executing the above code will provide yous with an hallmark link. Open the link,

4. Choose the Google business relationship which you lot desire to link,

v. Let Google Cloud SDK to access your Google Account,

vi. Finally re-create the code displayed and paste information technology in the text box shown, and hitting Enter.

colab code

seven. Then you configure gsutil to use your projection:

!gcloud config ready project {project_id}        

8. You can make a bucket using the make saucepan (mb) command. GCP buckets must take a universally unique proper noun, and then use the preinstalled uuid library to generate a Universally Unique ID:

          import          uuid bucket_name = f'sample-bucket-{uuid.uuid1()}'          !gsutil mb gs://{bucket_name}

9. Once the saucepan is created, yous can upload a file from your colab environment to it:

!gsutil cp /tmp/to_upload.txt gs://{bucket_name}/        

10. In one case the upload has finished, the file volition be visible in the GCS browser for your project:<project_id>

!gsutil cp gs://{bucket_name}/{filename} {download_location}

Once the download has finished, the file volition be visible in the Colab file-explorer pane in the download location specified.

Accessing AWS S3 from Google Colab

Yous demand to take an AWS account, configure IAM, and generate your access primal and undercover access key to exist able to access S3 from Colab. You as well demand to install the awscli library to your colab environment:

i. Install the awscli library

!pip install awscli        

2. One time installed, configure AWS past running aws configure:

colab access
  1. Enter your access_key and secret_access_key in the text boxes, and press enter.

Then y'all can download whatsoever file from S3:

!aws s3 cp s3://{bucket_name} ./{download_location} --recursive --exclude          "*"          --include {filepath_on_s3}

filepath_on_s3 can point to a single file, or friction match multiple files using a design.

You will be notified one time the download is complete, and the downloaded file(s) will be available in the location you specified to exist used equally you wish.

To upload a file, only contrary the source and destination arguments:

!aws s3 cp ./{upload_from} s3://{bucket_name} --recursive --exclude          "*"          --include {file_to_upload}        

file_to_upload tin can point to a single file, or lucifer multiple files using a design.

You volition exist notified once the upload is complete, and the uploaded file(s) will be bachelor in your S3 bucket in the binder specified:{bucket_name}/{folder}/?region={region}

Accessing Kaggle datasets from Google Colab

To download datasets from Kaggle, y'all first demand a Kaggle account and an API token.

one. To generate your API token, go to "My Account", then "Create New API Token".

2. Open the kaggle.json file, and copy its contents. It should be in the class of {"username":"########", "primal":"################################"}.

three. Then run the beneath commands in Colab:

!mkdir ~/.kaggle  !echo          '<PASTE_CONTENTS_OF_KAGGLE_API_JSON>'          > ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json  !chmod          600          ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json   !pip install kaggle        

iv. In one case the kaggle.json file has been created in Colab, and the Kaggle library has been installed, you can search for a dataset using

!kaggle datasets list -s {KEYWORD}

five. And then download the dataset using

!kaggle datasets download -d {DATASET NAME} -p /content/kaggle/        

The dataset will exist downloaded and will be available in the path specified (/content/kaggle/ in this case).

Accessing MySQL databases from Google Colab

one. You need to import the preinstalled sqlalchemy library to work with relational databases:

          import          sqlalchemy        

two. Enter the connexion details and create the engine:

HOSTNAME =          'ENTER_HOSTNAME'          USER =          'ENTER_USERNAME'          PASSWORD =          'ENTER_PASSWORD'          DATABASE =          'ENTER_DATABASE_NAME'          connection_string = f'mysql+pymysql://{MYSQL_USER}:{MYSQL_PASSWORD}@{MYSQL_HOSTNAME}/{MYSQL_DATABASE}'          engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connection_string)

iii. Finally, just create the SQL query, and load the query results to a dataframe using pd.read_sql_query():

query = f"SELECT * FROM {DATABASE}.{Table}"          import          pandas          every bit          pd df = pd.read_sql_query(query, engine)

Limitations of Google Colab while working with Files

One important caveat to call up while using Colab is that the files you upload to it won't exist bachelor forever. Colab is a temporary surround with an idle timeout of 90 minutes and an absolute timeout of 12 hours. This means that the runtime will disconnect if it has remained idle for xc minutes, or if information technology has been in utilize for 12 hours. On disconnection, you lose all your variables, states, installed packages, and files and will be continued to an entirely new and clean environment on reconnecting.

Also, Colab has a disk space limitation of 108 GB, of which but 77 GB is available to the user. While this should be enough for almost tasks, go along this in listen while working with larger datasets similar epitome or video data.


Google Colab is a great tool for individuals who desire to harness the ability of high-end computing resources like GPUs, without being restricted by their toll.

In this article, nosotros have gone through most of the ways you tin can supercharge your Google Colab experience by reading external files or data in Google Colab and writing from Google Colab to those external data sources.

Depending on your use-case, or how your data architecture is ready-up, y'all can hands apply the higher up-mentioned methods to connect your data source directly to Colab, and outset coding!

Other resources

  • Getting Started with Google CoLab | How to use Google Colab
  • External data: Local Files, Drive, Sheets and Cloud Storage
  • Importing Data to Google Colab — the Clean Way
  • Get Started: iii Ways to Load CSV files into Colab | by A Apte
  • Downloading Datasets into Google Drive via Google Colab | by Kevin Luk

READ Adjacent

How to Apply Google Colab for Deep Learning – Complete Tutorial

9 mins read | Writer Harshit Dwivedi | Updated June 8th, 2021

If you're a programmer, you want to explore deep learning, and need a platform to help you practise it – this tutorial is exactly for you.

Google Colab is a swell platform for deep learning enthusiasts, and information technology can also be used to examination bones machine learning models, gain experience, and develop an intuition near deep learning aspects such every bit hyperparameter tuning, preprocessing data, model complication, overfitting and more.

Let's explore!


Colaboratory by Google (Google Colab in short) is a Jupyter notebook based runtime environs which allows y'all to run lawmaking entirely on the deject.

This is necessary because information technology means that you can train large scale ML and DL models even if you don't have access to a powerful machine or a high speed internet access.

Google Colab supports both GPU and TPU instances, which makes it a perfect tool for deep learning and information analytics enthusiasts because of computational limitations on local machines.

Since a Colab notebook can exist accessed remotely from any machine through a browser, information technology's well suited for commercial purposes too.

In this tutorial you volition learn:

  • Getting around in Google Colab
  • Installing python libraries in Colab
  • Downloading large datasets in Colab
  • Grooming a Deep learning model in Colab
  • Using TensorBoard in Colab

Go on reading ->


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