Physics Believes in a God Again Quantum Physics and God

by Jayant Kapatker

On the surface Quantum Physics (QP) and Vedanta may await very unlike. One is function of the scientific tradition and the other in some means is philosophy, some may even telephone call it faith. Science is trying to understand the universe 'out there' and Vedanta is trying to sympathize the universe 'inside you'. Anybody will concord that in that location is only one universe; both 'out there' and 'in here' are parts of the same universe. If this is true, both must take the same underlying reality. If yous are function of the universe then your underlying reality must be the aforementioned as the underlying reality of the universe 'out there'. In that location cannot be 2 contained realities for the same universe. Both science and Vedanta are looking for the aforementioned underlying reality. As well, they share common footing which we'll explore in this article.

The goal is the same, but the approach of science and Vedanta are quite dissimilar. Science started out by looking at all the objects 'out in that location' in the universe, how they office, what they are made of. Equally scientific understanding improved, scientists wanted to acquire more than most these objects and to sympathize the edifice blocks of the universe. They started looking inwards from molecules, and then into atoms, into sub-diminutive particles, into quarks, and strings; they are now looking for the unifying forcefulness which is the building block of the universe. Science now realizes that at that place is a unifying force, the 'The Theory of Everything' or a Singularity which is the underlying reality of the universe. What could this exist? This is where science or quantum physics has reached a stumbling block, Vedanta takes a different approach, it started looking 'in here' and the ancient Rishis found that the single unifying forcefulness is within themselves. They understood that this single unifying force is also the underlying reality of the universe. Based on this, they posit that this single reality is then divided into an space number of diverse objects and this is the concrete universe nosotros see.

Basically Science started from 'out there'and then moved inwards to observe the underlying reality. Vedanta started from 'in hither' then moved out wards to empathize the universe. The ultimate goal for both of them is the aforementioned.

Physics, which is an important office of science, can exist divided into 2 distinct divisions or phases:
- Classical Physics
- Breakthrough Physics

Classical physics started with Newton, who made many different discoveries and formulated many different laws, which are relevant even today. Newton'south laws did not focus on atomic level objects but on macro objects we can see effectually united states of america. Based on these laws, people believed that the universe was a giant machine, where i tin can hands predict the motion of the planets and the objects therein. This way they knew exactly what was happening in this universe and in some fashion could fifty-fifty predict all the future movements of angelic bodies. Physicists idea they knew everything in the universe and there was aught new to observe.

In the early 20th century, things took a dramatic plow. As physicists started exploring atomic
level particles, they institute none of the classical laws were applicable to these particles. Classical physics became outdated at the diminutive and sub-atomic levels. To sympathize and explicate the happenings in the realm of the sub-atomic, breakthrough physics was born.

As we shall see in the coming section, sub atomic particles behave in unpredictable ways. Quantum physics is trying its best to provide a proper caption which is rooted in science and supported past experiments. Sometimes, a particle is a 'wave' and at some other times it is a 'particle'. This discovery marked the starting point of breakthrough physics. Breakthrough physics has explored this contradiction over the past century. Many questions take been successfully answered, merely with every answer new questions come upward. And so the search for answers doesn't seem to cease.  Some of the questions cannot and will non be answered by science, because they are outside the scope of science. We will looking at all these bug in this article.

In many ways this is quite similar to Vedanta. Vedanta teaches the states that the mind is made of waves or 'vrittis' and these 'mind waves' become the objects which nosotros see effectually us in this physical universe. Are the 'waves' described past breakthrough physics the same every bit the 'waves' in the mind? I strongly believe both are the aforementioned and this may be the common footing betwixt quantum physics and Vedanta. The focus of this commodity is to show that this is true. This will help quantum physics to apply Vedanta principles, which, it must be said, follow rigorous logic, that any scientific heed will be satisfied. This will assist resolve many of the unanswered questions being faced past quantum physics. And that'due south the main focus of this article.

What is Breakthrough Physics – A Brief Overview?

Breakthrough physics is the study of the behavior of matter and free energy at the molecular, atomic, nuclear, and fifty-fifty smaller, microscopic levels. We'll give a quick overview of quantum physics by highlighting some of the fundamental developments that are relevant to this commodity.

Light is a Wave:

Double SlitIn 1805, Thomas Young demonstrated that Light was a moving ridge. He used the famous double slit experiment. There was a light source and in forepart of it there was barrier and this barrier had 2 slits. On the other side of the bulwark was a photographic plate to study the light'south propagation through the slits. The issue on the photographic plate clearly showed that light was non a particle but a wave. If it was a particle, there would be only 2 bands on the plate, merely the plate showed multiple bands, proving that the light was a wave which passed through the 2 slits and then combined to from all the different bands. Spotter the post-obit video in YouTube.

Light is a Particle

In 1905 Einstein published a newspaper on 'Photoelectric Issue' miracle, which showed that the calorie-free is a particle. In 1921, Einstein got a Nobel Prize for this discovery. It is surprising that he got the Nobel Prize for this discovery and not for the 'Theory of Relativity', for which he is amend known. In this experiment, you shine calorie-free (which is a wave) on a photoconductive metal and you get low-cal reflected on the other side. On studying or observing this reflected low-cal, Einstein plant that the reflected lite was non a wave, only it was made upwardly of packets of energy. Each packet is a unit of stock-still energy and this bundle is known every bit a photon and has all the characteristics of a particle.

Max Planck also found the emission of photons or discrete packets of free energy when he tried to understand the emission of energy from a black trunk. Depending on the color of the heated black body, photons with different free energy levels were emitted. The hotter the blackness body, the higher the level of free energy in the photons emitted. As well, these higher energy photons had a college frequency of light as compared to the lower energy photons which had a lower frequency of light.

College Frequency = Higher Energy of photon

The double slit experiment explained earlier was updated slightly, instead of ii slits, there was merely one slit. Light was passed through a single slit so onto a photographic plate. In the two slit experiment, they found a serial of bands on the photographic plate, which suggested that light was a wave. When a unmarried slit was used, they found simply a single band on the photographic plate, suggesting that the light was a particle and not a wave. The curious role of this experiment is, what made light behave as a moving ridge when there were 2 slits and then comport every bit a particle when at that place was only one slit?  This experiment was repeated again and once more and the effect was e'er the same. In that location was something which was telling calorie-free when to behave as a wave and when to behave as a particle. This dilemma was the birth of quantum physics.

Matter is both Moving ridge and Particle

So, calorie-free exhibits properties both of a 'wave' and of a 'particle'. In 1923, de Broglie, a French doctoral student made a assuming exclamation that non but light but all matter must have both 'wave' and 'particle' backdrop. Here matter means matter, including, yous, me, planets, cars, in fact any living or nonliving object in this universe. The tree in front end of you is a particle, and using the de Broglie formula; you can too calculate the wavelength of the tree based on its energy content. In 1927, the de Broglie hypothesis was proven experimentally - thus, all matter is both a wave and a particle. In 1929, de Broglie was awarded the Nobel Prize for his theory. He was the just i to ever receive a Nobel Prize based on his doctoral thesis.

How tin can nosotros cover that everything that exists is both particle (matter) and a wave (not- matter)? Is this possible? The tree outside my window definitely looks like a particle, so the question is when is the tree a 'wave'. Is it ever a 'moving ridge'? Information technology must be a 'wave' otherwise the de Broglie theory would be wrong. Let's try to sympathize this. If I turn my back to the tree, is the tree still a 'particle'? Is the tree even in that location? You really cannot be certain, considering you are not seeing the tree. Maybe the tree is at present a 'wave'. This blazon of logic can be practical to all objects in the universe including any living being. For example you are talking to your friend sitting in front of you lot. You are sure he a 'particle' considering he is right in front end of y'all and yous can encounter him. You lot at present motility to the next room and you cannot see your friend anymore. Is information technology now possible that your friend has become a 'wave'?  When y'all come back to the room; your friend is in one case once again a 'particle'.  All this may sound foreign, merely this is what happens when you try and understand breakthrough physics. You at present ask your friend 'were you lot a wave' a short time agone? He may recall you've gone mad, but out of politeness he will confirm he has always been a particle. The friend may want to play the same game with you. He may say to you 'I did not come across you when you went to the side by side room, were y'all a 'wave' till you came back to this room and till I saw you once more? He has a valid point. When you moved to the next room, you may call up your friend is a moving ridge and your friend would also think you are a moving ridge.

Looking at the example of the tree and your friend, it would advise that anything in your presence would always exist a particle, but if something is non in your presence it could mean that information technology'southward a 'wave'. Your presence is necessary for anything to be a particle. This is the implication of the de Broglie theory.

Can something be a 'wave' and a 'particle' at the same time or must information technology be either a 'wave' or a
'particle' at whatever given time? If the tree is a particle, then it only cannot be a 'moving ridge' at the same time, and vice versa. Scientific discipline has no answer to this question. Hither's some food for thought - if an object is a particle, so where is the wave residing? Is the moving ridge besides part of this space fourth dimension framework or does the wave reside in some other dimension?

There are then many questions which the de Broglie hypothesis generates nigh affair being 'moving ridge' or 'particle. Unfortunately, science has not answered them so far. In the coming sections we will effort and understand these questions using the teachings of Vedanta.

Schrodinger'southward Wave Function

Like Newton's constabulary of motion is the heart of the classical physics, Schrodinger's wave function is the center of quantum physics.  To sympathise the 'wave' function of the de Broglie theory, Schrodinger formulated a complex equation for the wave function. Without being as well technical, Schrodinger's moving ridge equation is represented by the following

1. Schrodinger's equation represents a physical organisation and this physical system always consists of an observing system and the observed system. The observed arrangement is a wave function, and this wave function is the moving ridge component of the wave/matter duality equally postulated past de Broglie. The de Broglie hypothesis says every object in this universe is both a 'particle' and 'moving ridge', the wave part can be represented by the Schrodinger' wave equation and this moving ridge is existence observed by the observing system

2. The Schrodinger wave equation represents only 'continuing' waves and not 'traveling' waves. We meet traveling waves when nosotros throw a stone in a pond and see the waves traveling outwards, or when we come across waves in the ocean. Standing waves in turn are waves which propagate in an enclosed environment; they keep bouncing off the enclosed 'walls'.  Electrons, equally waves, are standing waves considering they are enclosed within an atom. For the observing system to observe a continuing wave it must be enclosed in some blazon of environment.

three. Schrodinger'due south wave equation is a generic equation which represents all the possible standing wave functions in the universe. The principal variables of Schrodinger'south wave equation are fourth dimension and energy. If you input the correct variables for a particular observed system, the Schrodinger moving ridge equation volition represent that wave role. If y'all input the energy variables of the electron wave, the Schrodinger equation will represent the electron wave function over time. Agreement the energy construction of electrons, photons, molecules and other micro objects are simpler, therefore it is possible to utilise the Schrodinger wave equations to these moving ridge functions. Macro objects accept more complex wave functions and it is much more difficult to input their variables to create the Schrödinger wave part. In decision, nosotros may say that the Schrodinger wave equation is applicable in every wave function both simple and complex. The only limitation is that scientific discipline notwithstanding does not sympathize the input variables needed for the circuitous waves representing macro objects like you, me or cars and planets.

iv. Yous can convert the Schrodinger's wave role into a probability wave office by squaring the wave role. The probability wave part contains all the possible outcomes. There could exist infinite possibilities. To explicate this, the famous Schrodinger cat example is given. A true cat is enclosed in a box which contains a veil of poison attached to an atomic trigger. The atomic trigger can randomly trigger the poison veil. One is never sure if the cat is dead or alive at any given time. As the per the probability function yielded by Schrodinger's equation,  the cat could exist dead or alive and it could also be half expressionless or half live, 1/3dead or ii/iii alive and all the other different possible mix of ratios between dead and live. It has infinite possibilities, only only a few logical possibilities. You cannot take anything ¼ alive and ¾ dead.

v. Some other important aspect of the physical system for the Schrodinger moving ridge equation is the observing system. When this observing system interacts with the observed arrangement at any given time, the wave office of the observed organization collapses to merely one of the logical possibilities at that given time. In the case of Schrodinger's cat, if yous open the trap door to see the cat, the cat will exist alive or expressionless. If it is plant alive all the other possibilities become nada. In other words, when the observing organization interacts with the observed system, the wave collapses to one of the possibilities for that given time and and so all the other possibilities take a zero chance of occurring. Till the trap door is opened, the cat is in a wave form with infinite possibilities and when the door is opened by the observing arrangement the 'cat' wave collapses to being live and so all the other possibilities became goose egg.

In the case of the two slit example described earlier, a light wave passes through the two slits, and information technology has all the possibilities of hit anywhere on the photographic plate on the either side. When the light wave touches the photographic plate at a particular location, the wave function of the light collapses at that signal and that point is no longer a wave but shows the characteristics of a photon particle. Once the wave function collapses, at that signal, the probability is one and the probability at all other points is nix. In this case the observing system is the photographic plate which collapses the wave function.

Here is a straight hint that the moving ridge role only collapses in the presence of an observing organization. If in that location was no observing system, the observed organization would continue to be a wave function. Before interacting with an observing organisation, the observed arrangement was a wave and the moment after interacting with the observing organization, the observed wave function collapsed to go a particle.

>> to Part ii


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